“What does the ideal Canterbury tenant look like?”, asked
one of my landlords from Harbledown the other day, to which he carried on
before I could reply, “Let me guess, a professional couple, both in their 30’s,
flawlessly tidy, pays their rent early, doesn’t complain or fuss, who has no
plans to move and cheerfully accepts annual rent rises”.
Before I can answer that question properly, I have always
believed all a landlord wants (and expects) of their tenants is to pay their
rent on time and look after the property as if it were their own. In return,
the landlord should provide a property that is warm, clean, modern and damp
free and sort any issues (such as repairs) quickly and without fuss.
Back to the tenants – tenants tend to fall into several groups
... 20 something professionals; young and middle aged families; corporate
tenants (i.e. their employer finds their employee a house to live in); students;
older singles/couples and housing benefit claimants – and they come with different
needs and wants. So choosing who best suits your Canterbury property – and steering
clear of bad tenants – is a big factor in making property investment a success.
One topic that I am often asked is should they, as a
landlord, accept tenants on housing benefit?
It might interest the landlords of Canterbury that of the 10,665
private rented properties in the local council area, 34.7% of the tenants of those
properties are on some form of housing benefit.
(3,709 properties to be exact). I know many landlords have suffered
late rent payments with tenants on benefits, especially since 2008, when local authorities
started paying housing benefit to tenants rather than directly to the
landlords, but you can’t ignore the fact that housing benefit tenants make up a
significant proportion of the Canterbury rental population. My opinion is that the
final choice of accepting such tenants has to be the landlords but you can’t
tar every tenant with the same brush (I will always give you a balanced opinion
if ever asked).
Interestingly, it might surprise some readers of the Canterbury
Property Blog, when we compare Canterbury to the national picture, Canterbury’s
Housing benefit claimants are lower, as nationally a higher proportion of
private tenants claim the benefit. Nationally, 39.2% of the tenants of the 3,891,467
rental properties in Great Britain claim some form of housing benefit (i.e. 1,526,915
Now, let us look at the occupations of Canterbury tenants,
which makes even more fascinating reading. Of the 10,665 privately rented
properties in the Canterbury area, 7,681 head tenants (the head tenant being
classified as the head of the household) are in employment (the other 2,984
rental property head tenants either being retired, long term sick, students or
job seekers).
Splitting those 7,681 head tenants down into their relevant
professions, 3,076 of them are Managers, Directors, Senior Officials, Professional
or Technical Professions, 551 in Administrative and secretarial occupations, 857
in Skilled Trades, 823 in the Caring, Leisure and other service occupations, 886
Sales and Customer Service Occupations, 421 Process, Plant and Machine
Operatives and finally, 1,067 in Elementary Occupations.
The one thing I have always known anecdotally, but until I
did my research, never had anything to back it up with, was the high proportion
of professionals and skilled trades renting property in Canterbury – intriguing!
Maybe in future articles, I will look deeper into the corporate tenant market,
young and middle aged families, students and older persons rental markets....
but in the meantime, if you want more news, views and commentary about the Canterbury
property market, there are many similar articles like this on the Canterbury
Property Blog www.canterburypropertyblog.com
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